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Storybooks Canada, Tom muuza ndizi

Tom muuza ndizi

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/02.jpg" alt="A man carrying a tray of bananas on his head."/>

Tom anabeba tenga la ndizi zilizoiva.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/03.jpg" alt="A man walking with a tray of bananas on his head."/>

Tom anaenda sokoni kuuza ndizi.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/04.jpg" alt="People buying fruit at a market."/>

Sokoni watu wananunua matunda.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/05.jpg" alt="A man standing at a banana stall."/>

Lakini hakuna anayenunua ndizi za Tom. Wanapenda kununua matunda kutoka kwa akina mama.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/06.jpg" alt="A man sitting at a banana stall."/>

“Kwenye jamii yetu, ni wanawake pekee ndio wanaouza matunda,” watu wanasema. “Ni mwanamume wa aina gani huyu?” watu wanahoji.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/07.jpg" alt="A man standing at a banana stall and people walking towards him."/>

Lakini Tom hakati tamaa. Anaita, “Nunua ndizi zangu! Nunueni ndizi zangu tamu zilizoiva!”

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/08.jpg" alt="A woman holding a bunch of bananas and a man standing at a banana stall passing her bananas."/>

Mwanamke mmoja anachukua kichane cha ndizi kutoka kwenye tenga. Anaziangalia ndizi kwa umakini.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/09.jpg" alt="A woman holding up a bunch or bananas in a market."/>

Mwanamke ananunua ndizi.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/10.jpg" alt="A man standing at a banana stall and people walking towards him."/>

Watu wengine wanakuja kwenye kichanja. Wananunua ndizi za Tom na kuzila.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/11.jpg" alt="A man standing with an empty tray at a market stall and people eating bananas."/>

Mara, tenga linakuwa tupu. Tom anahesabu pesa alizopata.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/12.jpg" alt="A man buying items from a market stall and putting them in a tray."/>

Tom ananunua sabuni, sukari, na mkate. Anaweka vitu kwenye tenga lake.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0296/13.jpg" alt="A man carrying a tray on his head."/>

Tom anajitwisha tenga kichwani na kwenda nyumbani.

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Tom muuza ndizi Tom the banana seller|seller|banana Tom, der Bananenverkäufer Tom the banana seller Tom el vendedor de bananas Tom le vendeur de bananes 바나나 장수 톰 Tomek, sprzedawca bananów

A man carrying a tray of bananas on his head.

Tom anabeba tenga la ndizi zilizoiva. Tom|is carrying|basket|of the|the ripe bananas|ripe Tom is carrying a bunch of ripe bananas. Tom porte un régime de bananes mûres.

A man walking with a tray of bananas on his head.

Tom anaenda sokoni kuuza ndizi. |"is going"|market|to sell| Tom goes to the market to sell bananas. Tom va au marché pour vendre des bananes.

People buying fruit at a market.

Sokoni watu wananunua matunda. at the market||are buying|fruits People are buying fruits in the market. Au marché, les gens achètent des fruits.

A man standing at a banana stall.

Lakini hakuna anayenunua ndizi za Tom. Wanapenda kununua matunda kutoka kwa akina mama. "But"|there is no|"who buys"|bananas|of|Tom's|They like to|buying|fruits|from|from|the group of|market women Aber niemand kauft Toms Bananen. Sie kaufen gerne Früchte von Müttern. But no one buys Tom's bananas. They like to buy fruits from mothers. Mais personne n'achète les bananes de Tom. Ils aiment acheter des fruits aux mères.

A man sitting at a banana stall.

“Kwenye jamii yetu, ni wanawake pekee ndio wanaouza matunda,” watu wanasema. “Ni mwanamume wa aina gani huyu?” watu wanahoji. "In our"|community|our|is|women|only|only ones who|"who sell"|fruits|people|"they say"|is|man|"people"|kind of man|"what kind"|this man||question „In unserer Gemeinde verkaufen nur Frauen Obst“, sagen die Leute. „Was ist das für ein Mann?“ Leute fragen. "In our community, only women sell fruit," people say. "What kind of man is this?" people question. "Dans notre communauté, seules les femmes vendent des fruits", disent les gens. "Quel genre d'homme est-ce ?" les gens se questionnent.

A man standing at a banana stall and people walking towards him.

Lakini Tom hakati tamaa. Anaita, “Nunua ndizi zangu! Nunueni ndizi zangu tamu zilizoiva!” But||gives up|give up|He calls out|Buy|bananas|"my"|Buy them|bananas|my|sweet|ripe and sweet But Tom does not give up. He calls out, “Buy my bananas! Buy my sweet ripe bananas!” Mais Tom n'abandonne pas. Il crie : « Achetez mes bananes ! Achetez mes douces bananes mûres ! »

A woman holding a bunch of bananas and a man standing at a banana stall passing her bananas.

Mwanamke mmoja anachukua kichane cha ndizi kutoka kwenye tenga. Anaziangalia ndizi kwa umakini. Woman|One woman|is taking|Bunch|of|banana|from|from the|basket|She examines them|Bananas|with|careful attention Eine Frau holt ein Bündel Bananen aus dem Laden. Er schaut sich die Bananen genau an. A woman takes a bunch of bananas from the store. He looks at the bananas carefully. Une femme prend un régime de bananes dans le magasin. Il regarde attentivement les bananes.

A woman holding up a bunch or bananas in a market.

Mwanamke ananunua ndizi. The woman|"is buying"|bananas Eine Frau kauft Bananen. A woman buys bananas. Une femme achète des bananes.

A man standing at a banana stall and people walking towards him.

Watu wengine wanakuja kwenye kichanja. Wananunua ndizi za Tom na kuzila. |others|they are coming|to the|screen|They buy|||||eat them Manche Menschen kommen zum Impfstoff. Sie kaufen Toms Bananen und essen sie. Some people come to the vaccine. They buy Tom's bananas and eat them. Certaines personnes viennent se faire vacciner. Ils achètent les bananes de Tom et les mangent.

A man standing with an empty tray at a market stall and people eating bananas.

Mara, tenga linakuwa tupu. Tom anahesabu pesa alizopata. Suddenly|becomes|becomes|empty||is counting|money|he received Sobald die Partition leer ist. Tom zählt das Geld, das er bekommen hat. Once, the partition becomes empty. Tom counts the money he got. Une fois, la partition devient vide. Tom compte l'argent qu'il a reçu.

A man buying items from a market stall and putting them in a tray.

Tom ananunua sabuni, sukari, na mkate. Anaweka vitu kwenye tenga lake. Tom|he buys|Soap|sugar||bread|puts|items|in|basket|his container Tom kauft Seife, Zucker und Brot. Er steckt Dinge in seine Tasche. Tom buys soap, sugar, and bread. He puts things in his pocket. Tom achète du savon, du sucre et du pain. Il met les choses dans sa poche.

A man carrying a tray on his head.

Tom anajitwisha tenga kichwani na kwenda nyumbani. Tom carries a basket.|is carrying|a basket|on his head|and|going|home Tom schüttelt den Kopf und geht nach Hause. Tom shakes his head and goes home. Tom secoue la tête et rentre chez lui.